Nihilist Propaganda

2 min readMar 24, 2021

What is purpose?

The object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an aim or goal: synonym: intention.


Determination; resolution.

transitive verb

To intend or resolve.


The purpose of the universe is a mathematical concept.

The purpose of life is energy reservation.

The purpose of someones individual life is subjectively drug related behaviour.

Subjectively speaking there is just as much purpose in taking heroin than there is in finding love, having a financially successfull career or being famous. It is the exact same. Happiness cannot be escaped. Knowledge grants happiness. The purpose of life is objetively speaking dopamine and serotonin addiction.
Addiction is the purpose of individual life. These chemical stimuli are evolutionary means of ensuring survival. Survival is the purpose of individual life. Non limited survival is mathematically impossible. Survival ultimately fails inevitably. Therefore any kind of “ life purpose” is useless and objetively speaking absurd. Is absurdism true? I would not exactly argue that absurdism is true in the sense that it requires an action. In tje same sense nihilism seems to require an action. Existentialism is a topic I don’t feel the need to give much credit too, because subjective meaning is ultimately still meaningless. Existentialism is putting your fingers in your ears and covering your eyes.
The problem with existentialism is that the true answer is and will always be: drugs. That is why we do absolutely anything. They are simply denying it.:
“Why are you a dancer?”
“– Because it is my purpose.”
“Why is it your purpose?”
–”Because it makes me happy.”

Since all happiness is correlated to drugs essentially the only thing that lead to this person becoming a dancer is a combination of genetic response and social reinforcement. Saying “It is my purpose” does not make it so. It ignores the actual purpose which was drugs. This purpose is ultimately flawed since this person too will die eventually therefore the positive reinforcements prove ultimatley useless. If there is a purpose it is pointless and therefore kind of defies the definition of the word.
All purpose is pointless in the eyes of survival. That is it. The only category that adresses this and sticks to it is nihilism.
Absurdism makes extra claims and so does existentialism.

