2 min readApr 23, 2022
Avocado Animals

As it is with my ideological ideas, I want to explain where I stand and why on these subjects.

Antinatalism: It is the act of reproduction which I am strongly against. For morally obvious reasons (pain, suffering, death)

This extends to other non human species as well. Just like humans did not choose to be born, neither did other nonhuman species. As technologically advanced beings we have a moral responsibility to help those who cannot help themselves. Therefore where ever possible it would be preferable for an interference in the natural process, which would otherwise inevitably lead to pain suffering and death.

When it comes to our own personal decisions I believe it is very clear that owning a pet will eventually lead to an animals death. The treatment of the animal itself may in some instances be preferable to the natural, although even then it is a questionable act to keep other species as subordinates.


Adoption, or rather the taking up of another being (human or animal) is an act which I view as highly altruistic and commendable. I urge all adoptive parents and owners to treat the adopted being with the most care, freedom and respect.

Antinatalism is a philosophy against reproduction, not a philosophy against parenthood. If you wish to adopt a child or a pet, you are, in my opinion, a far better person than someone needing, for some reason, a child or pet with their own customized desired genes.

I do not see myself fit mentally or emotionally to parent anything including houseplants. I also do not desire it. However, when it comes to adoption I believe it to be a viable alternative for generations of want-to-be parents who have, at least some, moral standards.

In short:

Adopt, don’t pop!

